
"Nature X Humanity" - A documentary co-directed with Neri Oxman.

The documentary debuts at a critical juncture when the anthropomass—the mass produced by humans—has exceeded that of the living biomass on our planet. Through the lens of five projects and their related material systems, we propose five tenets for a new Material Ecology: glass, polymers, fibers, pigments, and cellular solids. Motivated to unite the grown and the made, we demonstrate how each material system and the technology invented to shape it embodies and advances Nature’s way while continuing to promote human progress.  

Directors: Carson Davis Brown & Neri Oxman
Writer & Narrator: Neri Oxman
Editor: Carson Davis Brown
Assistant Editors: Anran Li & Lyle Tachikawa
Producer: Kelly Egorova
Colorist: Nick Sanders
Composers: Jeremy Flower & Osvaldo Golijov
Recording Mixer: Sebastian Fritze

Credit score from Flamingo by Osvaldo Golijov, originally composed for TWIXT by Francis Ford Coppola
Additional footage courtesy of the Earth Science and Remote Sensing Unit, NASA Johnson Space Center

An earlier version of this documentary was presented at Architectural Record’s Innovation Conference, 2020.  © 2021. Neri Oxman and The Mediated Matter Group. All rights reserved.

Los Angeles, Calif.